Monday 12 September 2011

Too busy to blog?

I've been dog sitting all weekend at my brothers house and haven't managed to find the time to blog, so in an attempt to keep the ball rolling I've decided to zip out a post before I finish preparing for a job interview in the morning!

As I prepare for my interview in the morning I find it helpful to look back and analyse some of the steps that got me to where I am today. So here it goes...

I've been semi-actively looking for work since January this year although for some periods (referenda and elections!) job hunting has taken a back seat big time. It has set me thinking about the value of my university education. I got a 'Desmond' (2:2) which obviously is not top draw but still a pretty good effort. The thing that's been on my mind is what difference getting a 2:1 or even a 1st would really have made to my life over the last 3 years (that's right 3 years since uni...ouch).  The things that I've sold myself with job wise are my job experiences which include a year as an elected sabbatical officer. This experience was a big part of why I got my most recent job and I guess it snowballs from there onwards. I did sacrifice my degree a bit to really plunge into my work with the University magazine which is the reason I ended up running for a sabbatical post.

Having talked about this with friends I've found that a 2:2 and a 2:1 are often much of a muchness, it's experience that will often get you the job. A 1st is however a different animal, this set me thinking that if (ok it's a bit unlikely) I'd focused solely on work whilst at Uni and gotten a 1st where would I be now? Certainly there would have been no sabbatical year so therefore it's fair to assume no time at the Electoral Commission. I guess I'd be civil service fast stream or some graduate scheme which leads me to my central thought. If you've got a 2:1 or 2:2 you need something else to sell yourself and if you've got a 1st you've got to target the graduate schemes, but is that really the truth? Dave my housemate and best mate has a 2:1 and a Masters yet has been unable to find good long term employment that challenges him, I with a 2:2 and a year of sabbatical time was lucky enough to find a job that was both challenging and interesting. When I look back I guess I just have to be thankful for my sabbatical time, no matter what mark I'd gotten in my degree it's proved a real selling point and I learnt more in that time that I have done in any other year of work.

Mixed thoughts, interested to hear any reaction. 


  1. A first isn't the answer to everything sadly. I have a 1st BA History and a Merit MA History, and while I have a good job, it is not meeting the earning potential that someone with my qualifications would have expected say 20 years ago. Maybe it is bad timing, but our generation were sold a dream that doesn't really exist anymore. Allot of people with degrees are going into teaching as that is the best job they can get at the moment (and it is a great and honorable job, but I question how many of those people would have gone into it if they had been offered other options). I have many opinions on the matter, but probably best saved for a chat in person!

  2. Nice post Ben! If I had to make the decision now I would do something much more practical and get on the job training if possible rather than go to Uni.
