Friday 9 September 2011

Today I will mostly be listening to...

I've noticed over the last few years that my taste in music has at times struggled to move forwards. With this in mind I've decided to try to listen more stuff, Kristina (my ever suffering girlfriend) has been a huge help in this. She has definitely helped me get into some of the music on this list and I think it's worth sharing. I also have to mention the influence of Rockband (the game) as I've been listening to a bit of the music from that too.

Explosions in the Sky, this is a band I was introduced to a while back but I have just gotten a copy of their new album "Take Care, Take Care, Take Care" and it's great. The introduction took place courtesy of a CD Kristina made for me, bit like mixtapes but not quite so retro. It was a great way to introduce me to some new music and I listen to it loads.

For the music there are no vocals but it's still very listenable to, I recently saw Mogwai in concert and found their music a bit samey and felt they really missed vocals but for me Explosions in the Sky have managed perfectly well with just instruments. Why not judge for yourself you can listen to the first track from the album on Youtube. If you like it then why not head to Cardiff's best record shop Spillers a grab a copy!

The Foo Fighters, there isn't much to say here really, the new album is fantastic another classic from the Foo's. I keep getting Arlandia stuck in my head but that's okay with me, it's great to see a band still rolling out the hits. I was playing a Foo's classic Everlong on rockband today which just reminded me how long these guys have been making great music. They also have a sideline in some really good video's the most memorable of these being the great learn to fly video, check it out on Youtube.

I haven't bought a copy of the album yet but thanks to Spotify I'm still getting my Foo fix, definitely one for my Christmas list.

I went to see a Friend's band about a year back and they were supporting a guy called Foy Vance, I wasn't expecting much as I knew literally nothing about him. I was instantly impressed and since haven't stopped listening to his music. It's touching, chilled and often very clever. Especially impressive is his version of the Michael Jackson classic Billie Jean, he uses looping to build the song and the result is spectacular. As good as Billy Jean is it isn't my favourite track that is a toss up between Homebird and Indiscriminate Act of Kindness. Homebird is fairly happy go lucky and chill out but Indiscriminate Act of Kindness for me is something really special. It's something about his voice in the song perhaps but it's just simply beautiful. I find the song quite chilling and it definitely puts me in a thoughtful mood. His album is a couple of years old now but it's called Hope and if you can get hold of a copy (try Spillers?) it's totally worth buying, for now check out the youtube links I've added above.

Last and by no means least are what are probably my favourite band/group EVER. The Divine Comedy, they've taken on various different forms during their time but now the name is just singer/pianist/guitarist Neil Hannon. I saw him live for the first time last year and it was simply the best gig I've ever been too, everything I'd hoped for and even more. He even played a great rendition of that Father Ted classic My Lovely Horse. I couldn't pick a favourite album I love all of them, but for now I'll direct you to his latest offering Band Goes the Knighthood, available in any good record shop! Songs worth sign posting (in general this is) include the song that first got me interested National Express and the Broadway esque master piece Here Comes the Flood to my personal favourite (at the moment) Absent Friends. Honestly I could write a whole series of blogs just on the Divine Comedy and maybe I will sometime.

To finish all I can say is... I hope you enjoy, there's some new and some old stuff there, next time perhaps I'll delve deeper into some of the real classics I love to listen to.

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